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Opening January 28 from 6.30pm

La Galleria Richter Fine Art apre la stagione espositiva 2025 con la personale dedicata a Brian Scott Campbell (1983, Columbus, Ohio, USA), intitolata Fable. Dopo il progetto espositivo del 2022 l’artista torna a esporre in galleria un nuovo gruppo di opere che segnano la continua attenzione dell’artista rivolta da diversi anni, al tema del paesaggio naturale, a cui si aggiunge il recente interesse verso il soggetto urbano dell’automobile e il ritorno alla descrizione della figura umana in contesti famigliari.

Sebbene le scene siano narrazione didascaliche di momenti di vita quotidiana, per una intenzionale riduzione formale, operano come se fossero degli archetipi visivi: le figure sembrano degli infantili ‘ritagli’ di rigide sagome, le forme semplificate intendono suggerire l’idea della configurazione di un albero, di un edificio e automobile. Da qui la scelta di intitolare il progetto ‘Fable’, termine che allude al concetto di favola, una chiave di lettura che intende rielaborare la vita quotidiana urbana e famigliare alla pari di una trama favolistica, un'esperienza volontariamente sincera e semplificata.

Le opere sono caratterizzate da una pittura basica volontariamente ridotta che abbandona la prospettiva scientifica per giungere a una semplificazione dell’aspetto figurativo e paesaggistico. L’artista idea i soggetti delle opere utilizzando la memoria e l’immaginazione. Nel caso del dipinto dell’automobile si lascia liberamente ispirare da inserti pubblicitari altrimenti alle forme e ai colori dei giocattoli per bambini. In questo modo nelle opere in mostra concentra l’attenzione verso le sagome geometriche, sui loro colori, al valore della composizione, eseguendo un esercizio pittorico al limite dell’astrattismo geometrico.

La particolare tecnica pittorica utilizzata dall’artista sin dal momento della sua pratica definita come ‘flashe’ è una miscela di vernice opaca che emula l’aspetto della tecnica dell’affresco. Campbell è giunto a utilizzare questa modalità dopo un lungo periodo di studio sul disegno. Infatti, focalizzando l’attenzione sulle superfici vellutate e opache, sul segno della matita su carta e sulle sensazioni visive appiattite tipiche della serigrafia, ha inteso tradurre tali impressioni tattili alla superficie pittorica.

La mostra è accompagnata dalla quarta edizione del libro d’artista ‘Quaderno’ della Galleria Richter Fine Art, edito da Aniene Publishing di Alessandro Dandini de Sylva. In cui sono raccolti una serie di disegni dal 2021 al 2024, caratterizzati da un tratto lineare e sinuoso, basico e fortemente autonomo.


Brian Scott Campbell (1983, Columbus, Ohio, USA) vive e lavora a Denton, Texas. Ha studiato presso il: MFA Studio Art, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2010; BFA with Distinction, Studio Art, Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, OH, 2005. Le sue opere sono nelle collezioni permanenti: Stanford University, Stanford, CA; Marfa Invitational Collection, Marfa, TX; Russell Standard, Pittsburgh PA. Tra le personali: When the Trees Touch the Clouds, Galleria Richter, Rome, 2022; Holiday, Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY, 2022; Family, Ampersand Gallery & Fine Books, Portland, OR, 2021; Better Weather, Marfa Invitational Special Projects, Marfa, TX, 2021; Blind Mellon, Galerie SPZ, Prague, Czech Republic, 2020; Home & Garden, Arts & Leisure, NY, 2020; Someday, Stene Projects, Stockholm, Sweden, 2020; Trees, Kirk Hopper Fine Art Viewing Room, Dallas, TX, 2019; Like A Ship, Harbinger Project Space, Reykjavík, Islanda, 2019; Minding the Toil and Till, Left Field, Los Osos, CA, 2019; Night Picnic, Dutton Gallery, NW, 2017; Local Singles, Dutton Gallery, New York, NY, 2016. Tra le doppie personali: Left Field, Los Osos, CA, 2025; Hoist Up the John B. Sail, with Michael McGregor, My Pet Ram, Santa Barbara, CA, 2023; Someday Morning, with Matthew F Fisher, Johansson Projects, Oakland, CA, 2022; Hurry On Trouble, with Patrick Shoemaker, Anna Zorina Gallery, NY, 2018. Tra le mostre collettive selezionate: Little By Little, Harbinger Project Space, Reykjavík, Islanda, 2023; Future Fair c/o Asya Geisberg Gallery, NY, 2023; Mixed Pickles 9, Ruttkowski; 68, Munich, DE, 2021; Whole Cloth, Site 131, Dallas, TX, 2020; Bathers, Bass & Reiner, San Francisco, CA, 2018; Paper Cuts, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK, 2018; C’est de la Peinture, Bankley Studios, Manchester, UK, 2018; Hide and Go Chic, Rover Gallery, Chicago, IL, 2017; NADA Art Fair, c/o Dutton Gallery, New York, NY, 2017; Four Artists, Fredericks & Freiser, NY, 2016; Olimpia’s Eye, Zevitas Marcus, Los Angeles, CA, 2016; Got It For Cheap, David Risley Gallery, Copenhagen, DK, 2016. Tra le residenze, borse di studio e premi: Research Fellow, Division of Research and Innovation, 2022; UNT Washington DC Research Fellows Program, University of North Texas, 2022; The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, 2022; DNA Residency, c/o Freight and Volume Gallery, New York, Provincetown, MA, 2021; The Macedonia Institute, Chatham, NY, 2020; DNA Residency, c/o Freight and Volume Gallery, New York, Provincetown, MA, 2019; Atlantic Center For The Arts Residency, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 2014; Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant, 2014; Full Fellowship, McColl Center for Visual Art, Charlotte, NC, 2011; Artist In The Marketplace Program, Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY , 2011; Lower East Side Rotating Studio Program, Artists Alliance Inc., New York, NY, 2010; Full Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center, Burlington, VT, 2010; Viewing Program, The Drawing Center, New York, NY, 2010. Tra i progetti curatoriali: Sunburnt Spirit Guide, Friends Co. Denton, TX, 2024; As If A Field Could Become Some Dream, No Place, Columbus, OH, 2018; 2017; Zim Zam Blunder, Harbinger Projects, Reykjavík, Islanda, 2017; Paradise Sauna, TSA LA, Los Angeles, CA, 2014.


Richter Fine Art opens the 2025 exhibition season with the solo show dedicated to Brian Scott Campbell (1983, Columbus, Ohio, USA), titled Fable. Following the 2022 exhibition project, the artist returns to the gallery to present a new group of works that reflect his ongoing focus, over the past several years, on the theme of the natural landscape. This is complemented by his recent interest in the urban subject of the automobile and a return to depicting the human figure in family settings.

Although the scenes are didactic narratives of everyday life moments, due to an intentional formal reduction, they function as if they were visual archetypes: the figures appear as childish 'cut-outs' of rigid shapes, and the simplified forms aim to evoke the idea of a tree, a building, and an automobile. Hence the choice to title the project ‘Fable’, a term that alludes to the concept of a tale, a lens through which to reinterpret urban and family life as if it were the plot of a fairy story —an intentionally sincere and simplified experience.

The works are characterised by a deliberately reduced, basic style of painting that abandons scientific perspective in favor of a simplification of both the figurative and the landscape aspects. The artist conceives the subjects of the works using memory and imagination. In the case of the painting of the automobile, he is freely inspired by advertising inserts as well as the shapes and colors of children's toys. In this way, the works on display focus attention on geometric shapes, their colors, and the value of composition, performing a painting exercise on the verge of geometric abstraction.

The painting technique used by the artist since the early stages of his practice, defined as 'flashe’, is a mixture of matte paint that emulates the appearance of fresco technique. Campbell arrived at this method after a long period of study on drawing. In fact, by focusing his attention on velvety, matte surfaces, the pencil mark on paper, and the flattened visual sensations typical of screen printing, he aimed to translate these tactile impressions onto the painted surface.

The exhibition is accompanied by the fourth edition of the artist's book ‘Quaderno’ by Galleria Richter Fine Art, published with Aniene Publishing, by Alessandro Dandini de Sylva. It collects a series of drawings from 2021 to 2024, characterised by a linear and sinuous style, simple yet strongly autonomous.


Brian Scott Campbell (1983, Columbus, Ohio, USA) lives and works in Denton, Texas. He studied at the MFA Studio Art, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2010; BFA with Distinction, Studio Art, Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, OH, 2005. His works are in the permanent collections of: Stanford University, Stanford, CA; Marfa Invitational Collection, Marfa, TX; Russell Standard, Pittsburgh PA. Solo exhibitions include: When the Trees Touch the Clouds, Galleria Richter, Rome, 2022; Holiday, Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York, NY, 2022; Family, Ampersand Gallery & Fine Books, Portland, OR, 2021; Better Weather, Marfa Invitational Special Projects, Marfa, TX, 2021; Blind Mellon, Galerie SPZ, Prague, Czech Republic, 2020; Home & Garden, Arts & Leisure, NY, 2020; Someday, Stene Projects, Stockholm, Sweden, 2020; Trees, Kirk Hopper Fine Art Viewing Room, Dallas, TX, 2019; Like A Ship, Harbinger Project Space, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2019; Minding the Toil and Till, Left Field, Los Osos, CA, 2019; Night Picnic, Dutton Gallery, NW, 2017; Local Singles, Dutton Gallery, New York, NY, 2016. Among the duo exhibitions: Left Field, Los Osos, CA, 2025; Hoist Up the John B. Sail, with Michael McGregor, My Pet Ram, Santa Barbara, CA, 2023; Someday Morning, with Matthew F Fisher, Johansson Projects, Oakland, CA, 2022; Hurry On Trouble, with Patrick Shoemaker, Anna Zorina Gallery, NY, 2018. Among the selected group exhibitions: Little By Little, Harbinger Project Space, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2023; Future Fair c/o Asya Geisberg Gallery, NY, 2023; Mixed Pickles 9, Ruttkowski; 68, Munich, DE, 2021; Whole Cloth, Site 131, Dallas, TX, 2020; Bathers, Bass & Reiner, San Francisco, CA, 2018; Paper Cuts, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK, 2018; C’est de la Peinture, Bankley Studios, Manchester, UK, 2018; Hide and Go Chic, Rover Gallery, Chicago, IL, 2017; NADA Art Fair, c/o Dutton Gallery, New York, NY, 2017; Four Artists, Fredericks & Freiser, NY, 2016; Olimpia’s Eye, Zevitas Marcus, Los Angeles, CA, 2016; Got It For Cheap, David Risley Gallery, Copenhagen, DK, 2016. Regarding residencies, scholarships, and awards: Research Fellow, Division of Research and Innovation, 2022; UNT Washington DC Research Fellows Program, University of North Texas, 2022; The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, 2022; DNA Residency, c/o Freight and Volume Gallery, New York, Provincetown, MA, 2021; The Macedonia Institute, Chatham, NY, 2020; DNA Residency, c/o Freight and Volume Gallery, New York, Provincetown, MA, 2019; Atlantic Center For The Arts Residency, New Smyrna Beach, FL, 2014; Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant, 2014; Full Fellowship, McColl Center for Visual Art, Charlotte, NC, 2011; Artist In The Marketplace Program, Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY , 2011; Lower East Side Rotating Studio Program, Artists Alliance Inc., New York, NY, 2010; Full Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center, Burlington, VT, 2010; Viewing Program, The Drawing Center, New York, NY, 2010. In the context of the curatorial projects: Sunburnt Spirit Guide, Friends Co. Denton, TX, 2024; As If A Field Could Become Some Dream, No Place, Columbus, OH, 2018; 2017; Zim Zam Blunder, Harbinger Projects, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2017; Paradise Sauna, TSA LA, Los Angeles, CA, 2014.

2016 Galleria Richter Fine Art

vicolo del Curato 3, 00186 Roma

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